Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rachel Fesko 007 - License to Shoot (not kill)

So... I've been obsessed with James Bond since I was 10.  I have the normal hang ups - Sean Connery was the best, Timothy Dalton was a waste of time and Pierce Brosnan will ever be the picture of Bond in my mind.  That is until the wonderful, beautiful and ultimately gorgeous Daniel Craig graced the screen with his presence and stole my ever Bond loving heart.  But, I have never wished to be a Bond girl... I just want to be Bond.  I want to speak 4 languages, be mysteriously intriguing, carry a Walther PPK... the list goes on and on.

If you are or have been one of my clients you come to understand that breaking onto property, hopping fences and "No Trespassing" signs mean absolutely nothing to me.  My motto?  "It's always better to ask for forgiveness than permission."  If I see the perfect place for the perfect shot... I want to get it.

Along with my love of Bond and desire to become a spy... I have the desire for certain objects... Like a car that can drive via remote control:

Or a lock picking kit that I can hide in my wallet...

And I won't tell you that my parents had to take extra measures to keep me out of their house when I moved out and forgot my key :).

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! love this post!! Now you just need glasses that are secretly a camera!
