I was nervous driving into Mineral Springs. Pleasant Grove Campground was nowhere to be found on my GPS, and the closer I got - less signs of life were found. So I stopped at a gas station, and apparently everyone knew where this Campground was! Five minutes later I pulled onto the campground, and found the bridal party.
Erin & Daniel are two of the most amazing people. The way they interact, their chemistry and the love that permeated their day enveloped us all. Daniel is by far one of the most honorable men I have ever met. The way that he speaks to people, treats his friends and the few times we conversed over the phone - he is congruent. True through and through. Erin is a woman that belongs in a King's court. She is so elegant and beautiful in the way that she moves and speaks to people. Erin is the same as Daniel - beautiful through and through. I felt so honored to be apart of their day, and capture all of the fun that ensued. This day was one glorious surprise after another...
Daniel promised everyone that he wasn't going to cry...

Erin and her Dad had a special first dance together... cowboy boots n' all!
And of course I saved my favorite for last... Hello Kevin Kubota!
I used to go to camp at that campground where they had the service. These are amazing as usual Rachel!