Friday, November 13, 2009

California Dreamin...

So that's my puppy... Ginger :)

A few months ago Ryan and I were heading out of town for a wedding, and we couldn't find anyone to watch Ginger.  So we called the hotel, and they were able to accommodate her!  You would not believe this dog!  She chilled out on the balcony all weekend long, and we could barely get her inside to take a drink.  She ran up and down the beach, and loved the sand (the water - not so much.  I think the waves freaked her out).

Ryan and I always claim California as our home, we may be "from" other places but it's where we felt the most like ourselves.  This is the place where we relaxed, and enjoyed the scenery.  It's where Ryan proposed, and where we went to school.  But to realize that we found a "California" dog in North Carolina... you  have got to be kidding me.  And now that I have a wedding in California next year I am ecstatic!  I get to go "home" for 10 days...

Over the past few weeks life has been hard.  We've had to make some tough decisions and come to some tough conclusions, but what's become so apparent is that we have this little California family to come home to.  We've learned to come together in the midst of trials, and not cause conflict over minuscule issues.  This is what family is all about - realizing you are more and more alike as the days go on... even if it's the dog.

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