I seriously stayed up until 2am getting this site ready to go online. I was so stressed that my link didn't work from the newsletter I sent out before that I had to get this up asap. I also had a shameless plug on Matt and Ramona (107.9 the link) on Tirade Tuesday because of all the stress with the website. I was so mad! Okay... So thank you Carletha for helping me get back on track, otherwise it might have been weeks before I knew what was going on!
Check out the splash page:

Isn't it sexy? Make sure you visit! www.rfphotography.net
Sorry I'm all over the place today... but like I said... I was up till 2am!!!
Rach its sweet!!!! I really like it!!! I really like the music player and the gallries OH YEAH and the Sunergos Plug, thats my favorite!!