So I was out for dinner with my sister (
@bethanycg) and my husband (
@ryanfesko)... I only include their twitlinks because they're usually hilarious when there's banter going across the airwaves, and you have to follow both of them to see the hilariousness. Some of the hilarity ensued at dinner the other night over a well known workout video.
So... we're out for dinner, and Beth mentions that she just bought p90x.
"Who did you buy it from?" Ryan asked.
"Some old guy. Said his wife saw it on television and thought it looked interesting. When she actually got it she said there was no way..."
"Yah, there's a big difference between OWNING it and actually DOING it!" Ryan said.
"Yeah, my sister owns p90x and she'll kick your butt!" Beth said.
(Beth in a different voice) "You don't oooooowwwwnnnnn p90x, look at you! ... (different voice) "No, no, no... I said I OWN p90x."
"How long have you OWNED it? (Beth again)... "1 day."
"I can imagine his wife sitting on the couch with a bag of lays, 'He just told me I did a good job! How does he know?'... I don't know where to even FIND a pull-up bar." Beth said.
"They sell them at Wal-Mart. Hey! Do you want ours? We're not using it. (to Ryan) Why do we have a pull-up bar again?" I said (this was through tears at this point).
Beth: "How long have you been on day 1?" (different voice) "Two weeks!"
"Yeah... I can tell!" Ryan said. "When I emailed him I would have asked if I could see HIS before and after pictures! TV is one thing, I want to see YOURS!"
In this conversation we determined 2 things...
1. Once you can't lift your own body weight (via the p90x pull up bar), you are officially overweight.
2. If for you, bootcamp = love, p90x is the workout program for you!
And maybe this conversation was only hilarious to us, maybe you had to be there. Maybe you own p90x, and you just needed some encouragement or a workout from the laughter. In any case... we're here for you.