For the first time in a long time I actually found myself thinking clearly and enjoying life again. I met with my friend Cheyenne last week, and we both couldn't get over how "down" we had been feeling lately (my personal feeling is that as wedding photographers you get this rush of adrenaline to help you "push" through the season, and then have this big let down after things have slowed down... kinda've like a bride after the wedding is over. :)
So I went to all my old haunts... Bisset Park (Radford), The Cascades, walking to the 2nd stop sign... Life finally came into focus, and the realizations followed... The past really isn't overpowering, and can't control my future if I don't let it. Who I am fits, and I don't have to make myself try to be anyone other than me... and that's a sigh of relief. People are going to hurt me - that's just life, and the more I run from it the more people I hurt... I think that realization is the most true, and the most painful. It's the walking through life knowing people are going to scuff you up and leave you with bruises, cuts and scrapes that scares me to death; but that doesn't mean that I have to stop being me.
Enjoy the following - it's the awful scenery that surrounded me in VA for almost a whole week! Can you imagine living around this stuff all the time??? Sheesh!